Here’s a list of the top 10 best Normal-type Pokémon of all time :
- Snorlax: Known for its immense size and appetite, Snorlax is a powerhouse in battle with high HP and strong physical moves like Body Slam and Earthquake.
- Chansey: With its incredible Special Defense and access to reliable recovery moves like Soft-Boiled, Chansey is an exceptional tank and support Pokémon.
- Blissey: Evolving from Chansey, Blissey boasts an even higher HP stat, making it one of the bulkiest Pokémon in the game. Its ability to heal and support teammates with moves like Wish and Heal Bell is invaluable.
- Kangaskhan: Kangaskhan is known for its powerful Attack stat and access to Parental Bond, allowing it to hit opponents with multiple attacks in a single turn.
- Snorlax: Snorlax is not only a fan favorite but also a formidable Normal-type Pokémon. Its high HP and Defense make it a great tank, and its diverse movepool allows for various strategies.
- Staraptor: As a Flying/Normal-type Pokémon, Staraptor combines speed, power, and versatility. Its ability Intimidate lowers the opponent’s Attack stat, and moves like Close Combat and Brave Bird pack a punch.
- Lopunny: Lopunny’s Mega Evolution significantly boosts its Speed and Attack, making it a swift and hard-hitting Normal-type Pokémon. Its ability, Scrappy, allows it to hit Ghost-types with Normal and Fighting moves.
- Porygon-Z: Porygon-Z is a unique Normal-type Pokémon known for its adaptability and high Special Attack stat. Its ability, Adaptability, boosts the power of same-type moves.
- Ditto: With its ability to transform into any opposing Pokémon, Ditto is a versatile and unpredictable Normal-type. It can replicate the opponent’s moveset and stats, making it a strategic choice.
- Ursaring: Known for its immense physical strength, Ursaring is a fearsome Normal-type Pokémon. Its high Attack stat combined with moves like Facade and Crunch make it a formidable physical attacker.
These Normal-type Pokémon have proven their worth in battles and have become iconic representatives of their type. Their unique abilities, movepools, and overall versatility make them some of the best Normal Pokémon throughout the series.
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