Renowned Star Wars actor James Arnold Taylor has recently expressed his fervent hope for the development of an animated series centered around fan-favorite characters Plo Koon and young Ahsoka Tano, specifically tailored for the Disney+ streaming platform. Taylor, who lent his voice talents to various characters throughout the Star Wars universe, including the Jedi Master […]
Tag Archives: Han Solo
While Star Wars has not been officially confirmed as a core element in the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 4 game, the prospect of a potential crossover has generated excitement. The Kingdom Hearts series has previously explored Disney’s live-action properties, and with Disney’s expanding portfolio, Kingdom Hearts 4 could incorporate Star Wars, given Disney’s ownership of LucasFilm. […]
If Rebel Moon had remained a Star Wars movie, when in the timeline would it be situated? Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon, currently streaming on Netflix, was initially conceived as a Star Wars film in the aftermath of Lucasfilm’s acquisition by Disney. At the time, plans for various spin-offs alongside the sequel trilogy were announced. Zack […]