“Darling in the FRANXX” was a highly anticipated anime with equal parts action and romance, set in a dystopian future where children are raised for the sole purpose of piloting Franxx, which are giant humanoid robots used to combat biological weapons called klaxosaurs. The show’s plot follows a group of 10 boys and girls, with the main character named Hiro, as they fight klaxosaurs and learn more about love, life, and friendship.
While the show had good ratings, it’s universally agreed that the ending was a let-down, and it ultimately left viewers with more questions than answers. One of the best parts about watching a good anime is the satisfying finale. When loose ends come together and plot lines find resolutions, it feels like the often seasons-long investment was worth it. On the other hand, when a good show has a less-than-great ending, it can almost ruin the entire experience.
Those who were upset with the ending of “Darling in the FRANXX” generally agree that it felt rushed — the main reason being that a mere few episodes before the finale, a new enemy was introduced seemingly out of nowhere: an alien species called VIRM. The addition of VIRM not only confused viewers, but it led to more questions that were never answered. Since the VIRM were called indestructible multiple times, did Hiro and Zero Two really defeat them? If so, how did they manage to do that? And why weren’t the VIRM introduced earlier in the series?

Fans took their questions and theories to Reddit, where a user named Chillibby expressed their dissatisfaction with the twist ending. “I think the show did a decent job of building their world and systems, explaining how each race interacted and the history behind them,” they wrote. “Then boom, none of that matters. Over the course of 3 episodes basically we find out aliens were the real issue this whole time and us idiots didn’t know it.”
And while others didn’t particularly hate the sudden addition of a new enemy, it’s still one of the most controversial aspects of the series.
Many beloved anime shows are adaptations of popular manga. “Darling in the FRANXX” was different because the anime actually came first, and the creator made changes to the manga likely due to fan reactions. In fact, “Darling in the FRANXX” had quite a few differences between the manga and the show. One major difference is the very end of the anime, when Hiro and Zero Two give their lives in an effort to defeat the VIRM. Though we get to see their reincarnated selves meet again in another life (more on that later), it turns out that wasn’t a necessary plot point.
In the manga, there wasn’t a battle in space between the parasites and VIRM. Instead, when 001 (also known as the Princess of Klaxosaurs) dies, she finally sees the beauty in life and entrusts the planet to Hiro and Zero Two before giving her life force to help restore the earth. Thus, in the manga, Hiro and Zero Two don’t die in the final battle. Instead, they vow to be together forever and seemingly live happily ever after. These stark differences show that the captivating anime could have had a much more satisfactory ending.

As mentioned earlier, the end of “Darling in the FRANXX” shows Hiro and Zero Two reincarnated into children. Though their faces aren’t drawn on, their appearances are clearly identical to the older versions of Hiro and Zero Two, down to hair color and jewelry. The ending is bittersweet — though they died in battle, they apparently get to have another chance at life together in a new world.
On the other hand, some fans were left disappointed by the ending of “Darling in the FRANXX” because it left a lot of unanswered questions. For example, the origin of the Klaxosaurs, the society outside of the Plantations, and the purpose of the Franxx were never fully explained. Additionally, some viewers felt that the show’s focus on sexual symbolism and innuendo overshadowed the plot and character development.
Despite these criticisms, “Darling in the FRANXX” remains a popular and highly regarded anime among fans of the mecha and sci-fi genres. The show’s unique premise, stunning animation, and memorable characters have all contributed to its lasting popularity.
It’s also worth noting that “Darling in the FRANXX” was a joint production between two major anime studios, Trigger and A-1 Pictures, which may have contributed to some of the show’s strengths and weaknesses. Trigger is known for its visually stunning and highly stylized animation, while A-1 Pictures is known for its ability to create emotionally engaging stories and characters.
Overall, “Darling in the FRANXX” is a complex and thought-provoking anime that explores themes of love, identity, and humanity. While its ending may not have satisfied everyone, it remains a beloved and influential work within the anime community.
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