A whimsical animated film, Migration, follows a duck family’s airborne adventure

Illumination, known for successful franchises like Despicable Me and The Secret Life of Pets, takes a departure from the norm with their latest animated film, Migration. This whimsical tale follows a protective duck family, led by dad Mack (Kumail Nanjiani) and mom Pam (Elizabeth Banks), as they embark on an adventurous journey from their New England pond to Jamaica. The film, directed by Benjamin Renner and Guylo Homsy, written by Mike White, introduces a delightful mix of characters, including a heron, a pigeon, a caged parrot, and a flock of ducks with unexpected troubles.

While many animated films fall into the trap of relying on base humor, Migration avoids this pitfall, delivering well-earned laughs through clever characterization. The road trip narrative, featuring a curmudgeonly dad, a practical mom, adventurous kids, and a zany uncle, adds a layer of fun to the story. The encounters with various characters lead to comic set pieces, skillfully exaggerated without going over-the-top.

Illumination elevates its animation with realistic depictions of the duck family and their surroundings, particularly the water scenes. The film takes advantage of the ducks’ flying ability, creating dynamic aerial sequences rarely seen in animated films.

Despite impressive voicework, the decision to have actors from different nationalities portray family members may feel slightly jarring. Nevertheless, the performances, especially by Nanjiani and Banks, enhance the characters.

Migration competes with Wonka for holiday moviegoers’ attention, showcasing Illumination’s prowess in animation. With a grounded story and stellar animation, the studio may have launched another potential franchise.

Migration is currently screening in theaters.

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