- “You can’t trap justice! It’s an idea, a BELIEF!” – Megamind, while confronting Metro Man during their showdown.
- “What’s the point of going out there when no one’s there to see it?” – Megamind, expressing his loneliness as a villain.
- “Oh, you’re a villain alright, just not a super one.” – Metro Man, mocking Megamind’s aspirations as a supervillain.
- “Presentation!” – Megamind, emphasizing the importance of style during his villainous deeds.
- “Evil’s afoot!” – Megamind, reveling in the chaos caused by his diabolical plans.
- “And I love you, random citizen!” – Megamind, expressing his gratitude to an unsuspecting civilian he saved.
- “Doomsday device! Time to end this!” – Megamind, ready to unleash his ultimate creation on Metro City.
- “Death ray! Blah, blah, blah!” – Megamind, dismissing the typical monologues associated with supervillains.
- “You’re a villain, alright! You’re a villain with a heart!” – Roxanne, acknowledging Megamind’s capacity for goodness.
- “Roxanne, I think we make an awesome team.” – Megamind, recognizing the strength of their partnership.
- “I’m the intellectual dweeb, you’re the musclehead!” – Megamind, teasing his sidekick Minion during a lighthearted moment.
- “Ollo!” – Minion, expressing his simple but effective greeting.
- “The only way to defeat temptation is to yield to it.” – Megamind, humorously contemplating the allure of his evil deeds.
- “That’s why I’m the hero!” – Metro Man, reveling in his popularity and perceived invincibility.
- “You’re really predictable, you know that?” – Roxanne, playfully chiding Megamind during one of their interactions.
- “I’ve made the plans for my ultimate escape.” – Megamind, confidently boasting about his brilliant schemes.
- “Nobody wants to listen to your villain song!” – Roxanne, interrupting Megamind’s attempts at theatrics.
- “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” – Megamind, taunting his nemesis Titan during a showdown.
- “I’m the bad guy, I don’t save the day!” – Megamind, contemplating his unexpected shift from villain to hero.
- “I guess every hero needs a sidekick, right?” – Megamind, acknowledging the importance of companionship in his journey.
These quotes capture the essence of the characters and the comedic tone of “Megamind,” providing memorable moments that have endeared the film to audiences over the years.
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