There have been many anime series that have been disliked by fans for various reasons, such as poor writing, unlikable characters, or disappointing endings. Here are 15 anime series that have turned fans into haters
- Darling in the Franxx – This series was highly anticipated due to its team of talented creators, but it ultimately failed to live up to fans’ expectations. The story became convoluted and many fans were disappointed with the ending.
- Sword Art Online – While the first season of Sword Art Online was popular, subsequent seasons received criticism for poor pacing, inconsistent characterization, and a lack of emotional depth.
- Naruto – Despite its massive popularity, Naruto received criticism from fans for dragging out its story with filler episodes and arcs, as well as inconsistencies in character development.
- Death Note – While the first half of Death Note was well-received, the second half was criticized for introducing new characters and plotlines that detracted from the story’s core themes.
- Tokyo Ghoul – Fans of the manga were disappointed with the anime adaptation, which cut out important character development and changed the story’s ending.
- Attack on Titan – Some fans were disappointed with the pacing of the anime adaptation, as well as changes made to the story and characters.
- Fairy Tail – Despite its popularity, Fairy Tail has received criticism for its repetitive storylines, predictable outcomes, and shallow character development.
- Guilty Crown – This anime series was criticized for its convoluted story, unlikable characters, and unsatisfying ending.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion – While it is considered a classic by many, some fans were turned off by its heavy use of symbolism and confusing plot.
- Sword Art Online II – This season of Sword Art Online was criticized for its lack of focus on the main character, as well as inconsistent pacing and character development.
- Akame ga Kill! – Fans were disappointed with the anime’s adaptation of the manga, which left out important plot points and character development.
- Aldnoah.Zero – This anime series was criticized for its plot holes, inconsistent storytelling, and unsatisfying ending.
- Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress – Despite its promising premise, fans were disappointed with the anime’s lackluster storytelling and unlikable characters.
- Kiznaiver – Fans of this anime were turned off by its convoluted plot, one-dimensional characters, and lack of emotional depth.
- Charlotte – This anime series was criticized for its rushed pacing, undeveloped characters, and unsatisfying ending.
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